Last time we discussed how you organise your technology stack. This month’s discussion point is around testing your applications.

How do you organise your tests. Do you separate your unit tests, integration tests and UI tests into separate projects? Do you do anything specific to keep track of your tests? What naming conventions do you use? Do you run them before a check in or is that what the build server is for?
If you are not testing, then how would you like to test your apps if given the opportunity?

I apologise, it has been a while since the last Developer Blog Banter. I was too busy getting my applications ready for the launch of Windows Phone 7.

As usual, comment on this post when you join the Developer Blog Banter and I'll add your response below


  1. David Burela - testing applicaitons
  2. Liam Mclennan - testing, huh! what is it good for?
  3. Tarn Barford - How do you test your applications?
  4. Eric Ridgeway - I can haz tests?
  5. Peter Gfader - How do you test your applications?

By David Burela